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Creating your custom yoga routines has never been easier! Pocket Yoga Teacher allows you to build, edit and share complete yoga practices. Available on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Pocket Yoga Teacher iPad
Pocket Yoga Teacher iPad creating practice

Easy to create

Browse the poses and add them to the timeline in your desired order just by tapping on them. You can pick any pose that you want, but if you need help in building your routine Pocket Yoga Teacher will make suggestions. The “Suggested” list will only show you the poses that follow naturally from the currently selected pose.

Adjust pose durations

Simply tap on a pose in the timeline to set its duration. This will control how long the pose will be held.

Pocket Yoga Teacher iPad adjusting pose duration
Pocket Yoga Teacher add music iphones

Add music

Place the Music item when you want to add music. The music will play along with the voice instruction. You can select music from the built-in tracks or from your own library.

Try your practice

Once you are done building your routine, roll out your yoga mat and try it out. You will even get a soothing voice narration that will guide you through your entire practice.

Pocket Yoga Teacher iPad with practice
Pocket Yoga Teacher paper print out of practices

Share your practice

Email, message, or AirDrop your practice to a
friend for them to try or print it out.
See sample